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What Gen Z is Facing in 2024: A Critical Analysis of Their Struggles and Triumphs

Editorial Team

Generation Z, often abbreviated as Gen Z, refers to the demographic cohort following the Millennials. While precise birth years can vary depending on the source, Gen Z typically includes individuals born from the mid-1990s to the early 2010s. As of 2024, this makes them the generation currently in their teenage years and mid-20s.

Key Characteristics of Generation Z:

  1. Digital Natives: Gen Z grew up in a fully digital world, with the internet, smartphones, and social media being integral parts of their lives from a young age. They are typically more tech-savvy and comfortable with digital platforms than previous generations.
  2. Diverse and Inclusive: This generation is the most racially and ethnically diverse yet, and they value inclusivity. They are more likely to advocate for social issues like racial equality, LGBTQ+ rights, and gender equality.
  3. Economic Realism: Coming of age during times of economic uncertainty, including the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, Gen Z tends to be more financially pragmatic. They are cautious about debt and are keen on financial stability.
  4. Mental Health Awareness: Gen Z is more open and proactive about discussing mental health issues. They advocate for a greater understanding and destigmatization of mental health challenges.
  5. Educated and Entrepreneurial: They value education and are considered to be one of the most well-educated generations. Coupled with their comfort with technology, many in Gen Z also show a strong entrepreneurial streak.
  6. Politically Progressive and Engaged: Gen Z tends to lean towards progressive politics. They are more likely to be engaged in political activism, especially on issues like climate change, social justice, and equality.
  7. Adaptable and Resilient: Having grown up in a rapidly changing world, Gen Z members are generally adaptable, flexible, and resilient. They are quick to adjust to new situations and technologies.
  8. Preference for Authenticity: They value authenticity, both in their personal interactions and in the brands and institutions they support. This generation prefers transparent communication and genuine engagement.
  9. Global Perspective: Thanks to the interconnected nature of their digital world, Gen Z has a more global perspective, being more aware of and concerned with worldwide events and issues.
  10. Visual and Multimedia Oriented: With a preference for platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, Gen Z is highly engaged with visual and multimedia content. They are adept at using these mediums for both expression and information consumption.

In summary, Generation Z is a complex, diverse, and dynamic group, shaped by the unique technological, economic, and social circumstances of their formative years. They bring a fresh perspective to societal issues and are poised to have a significant impact on the future cultural, political, and economic landscape.

Challenges in 2024

In 2024, Generation Z faces a unique set of challenges, shaped by an ever-evolving socio-political landscape, economic upheavals, technological advancements, and pressing mental health issues. This article takes a critical lens to understand these multifaceted struggles.

1. The Social and Economic Battlefield

Gen Z, coming of age in a turbulent economic climate, confronts job market volatility and income inequality. The gig economy, while offering flexibility, also brings instability. The competitive job landscape pushes them to acquire new skills continually, making lifelong learning a necessity rather than a choice.

2. Technology: A Double-Edged Sword

This generation, digital natives, face the paradox of technology. On one hand, it offers unprecedented opportunities for innovation and connection. On the other, it brings issues like privacy concerns, digital addiction, and the blurring lines between virtual and real-life interactions.

3. Political Turmoil and Civic Engagement

Gen Z’s political consciousness is more pronounced than previous generations at their age. Facing global challenges like climate change and social justice, they are vocal and action-oriented. However, the polarized political climate poses its challenges, often leading to social strife and mental exhaustion.

4. Mental Health: The Unseen Battle

Amidst all this, mental health remains a critical issue. The pressures of maintaining a social media presence, along with the general uncertainties of life, contribute to increasing anxiety and depression rates.


In 2024, Gen Z stands at a crossroads, navigating a world that is rich in opportunities but fraught with challenges. Their resilience, adaptability, and tech-savviness position them uniquely to address these issues, but the journey is complex and demanding.