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Climate change will boost viral outbreak

Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered a disaster. […]

Balenciaga’s Afterworld: The Age of Tomorrow

Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered a disaster. […]

Climate change will boost viral outbreaks

Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered a disaster. […]


Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered a disaster. […]


Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered a disaster. […]

Why Parents Are Saying No to Yes Day

Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered a disaster. […]

He’s the best player in the world

Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered a disaster. […]

A Cook Who Never Used a Cookbook Now Her Own

Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered a disaster. […]


Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered a disaster. […]

Five Signs of a Highly Intelligent Person

Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered a disaster. […]

A Design Lover’s Guide To Mexico City

Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered a disaster. […]

Eight Things You Need to Know to Start Your Day

Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered a disaster. […]

How to Enjoy Your Favorite Things Every Day

Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered a disaster. […]

Five Things You Need to Know to Start Your Day

Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered a disaster. […]

Chanel in Monaco: Our Town by Way of the Grimaldis

Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered a disaster. […]


The fashion show paints the picture of a modern-day wedding in Buenos Aires. A narrator introduces us to several wedding guests who are all in different life situations. We see their bubbly and passionate personalities shine through the screen This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered […]

The 15 Best looking outfits for Men 2022

Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered a disaster. […]


Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered a disaster. […]


Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. The fashion show paints the picture of a modern-day wedding in Buenos Aires. A narrator introduces us to several wedding guests who are all in different life situations. We see their bubbly and passionate personalities shine through […]

Die aktuellen Sommertrends – so geht man mit dem Trend

Endlich ist der Sommer da und mit ihm der Wunsch, draußen im Freien mit Freunden eine unbeschwerte Zeit zu erleben. Trendbewusste fragen sich dabei ganz bestimmt: Was ist gerade angesagt und wie zeige ich, dass ich mit der Zeit gehe? In diesem Beitrag werden die schönstens Sommertrends für 2022 vorgestellt. Trendvielfalt im Sommer 2022 – […]

Piercing – Welche verschiedenen Arten und Methoden gibt es?

Piercings sind nicht nur bei Jugendlichen und Punks beliebt – immer mehr Menschen tragen die Schmuckstücke in Ohren, Nase, Zunge und auch an intimen Körperstellen. In diesem Artikel erfahrt ihr, welche verschiedenen Piercing Arten es gibt, und welche Methoden dafür angewendet werden. Welche Arten von Piercings gibt es? Piercings sind schon seit einigen Jahren Kult. […]

Friseur Kerken

Corina Geenen

Interview mit Corina Geenen von Chaarisma Kerken Haare – kaum eine andere Stelle am Körper wird so gerne genutzt um einen neuen Lebensabschnitt einzuläuten. Trennung, Scheidung, Umzug, Jobwechsel – viele Frauen krönen diese einschneidenden Lebensereignisse mit einer neuen Frisur. Doch warum legen viele Menschen so einen großen Fokus auf ihre Frisur? Was sagt die Frisur […]

New Balance und Jaden Smith launchen den nachhaltigen Vision Racer ReWorked

Der Aktivist und Künstler Jaden Smith und das weltweit führende Sportunternehmen New Balance präsentieren heute die neueste New Balance Jaden Smith Vision Racer-Kollektion, die zum Teil aus recycelten und überschüssigen Materialien hergestellt wird: der Vision Racer ReWorked. Im Rahmen der fortgesetzten Zusammenarbeit unterstreicht der Sneaker sowohl Smiths als auch das anhaltende Engagement der Marke für […]

Wochenendtrips mit der BMW Lifestyle Kollektion – Perfekt ausgestattet für jede Kurzreise

Ob sonniger Kurzurlaub am Meer, rasantes Männerwochenende bei der DTM oder festliches Familientreffen auf dem Land – Gelegenheiten für einen Kurztrip am Wochenende gibt es viele. Mit den Taschen, Accessoires und Gadgets aus den BMW Lifestyle Kollektionen sind Weltenbummler, Spontanreisende und Kurzausflügler bestens gerüstet. Die passende Friseur dazu gibt es beim Friseur Kerken.

Wochenendtrips mit der BMW Lifestyle Kollektion – Perfekt ausgestattet für jede Kurzreise

Ob sonniger Kurzurlaub am Meer, rasantes Männerwochenende bei der DTM oder festliches Familientreffen auf dem Land – Gelegenheiten für einen Kurztrip am Wochenende gibt es viele. Mit den Taschen, Accessoires und Gadgets aus den BMW Lifestyle Kollektionen sind Weltenbummler, Spontanreisende und Kurzausflügler bestens gerüstet… … für den Trip an die Côte d’Azur. Offenes Verdeck, lange […]


Ab Donnerstag 7. Juli 2016 nur im Kino. In 3D. Scrat stößt bei seiner endlosen Jagd nach der unerreichbaren Nuss in neue Dimensionen vor. Er wird ins Universum katapultiert, wo er versehentlich kosmische Kettenreaktionen auslöst, in deren Folge die Gefahr besteht, dass sich die Ice Age-Welt verändert oder gar zerstört wird. Sid, Manny, Diego und der Rest […]

Der wahre „LION“ gestern in Berlin!

Kinostart: 23. Februar 2017 im Verleih von Universum Film mit Dev Patel, Rooney Mara, Nicole Kidman, David Wenham Regie: Garth Davis Saroo Brierley kam zur Premiere seiner Lebensgeschichte ins Delphi Kino und zeigte bei Google seine erfolgreiche Suche nach Heimat und Familie in Indien. 


in LOGAN (Kinostart: 02. März 2017) fährt Hugh Jackman


COLETTE – EINE FRAU SCHREIBT GESCHICHTE   Mit COLETTE erscheint direkt zum Jahresanfang ein Film über eine bemerkenswerte Frau, die ein mehr als turbulentes Leben führte und, auch wenn sie in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts wirkte, noch heute inspiriert.

Drehstart für „Mamma Mia! Here we go again“

Kinostart: 19. Juli 2018 im Verleih von Universal Pictures International Germany   Frankfurt, 28. August 2017 – Augen auf, Ohren auf!!! Vergangene Woche haben die langersehnten Dreharbeiten zu Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again begonnen. Freuen Sie sich zehn Jahre nach dem Megaerfolg Mamma Mia!, der weltweit über 600 Millionen US-Dollar eingespielt und in Deutschland […]


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