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Sarkastische Senderporträts durch ChatGPT-4: Eine humorvolle Reise durch das deutsche Medienuniversum

In einem kreativen Experiment haben wir ChatGPT-4, die neueste KI von OpenAI, dazu herausgefordert, sarkastische Darstellungen verschiedener deutscher TV- und Radiosender zu kreieren. Das Ergebnis? Ein humorvolles, überspitztes und farbenfrohes Potpourri, das die Eigenheiten jedes Senders auf charmante Weise überzeichnet. Die Idee hinter diesem Experiment war es, die künstlerische und humoristische Kapazität von ChatGPT-4 zu […]

Why are people like they are or can you change yourself?

born talent or personal growth

The topic of how various factors such as people’s characterizations, born preferences, epigenetics, mindset, and mental health interact and influence one another is a complex and multifaceted subject. Let’s break down these components to better understand their interplay: 1. People’s Characterizations: This refers to the way individuals are perceived or described based on their behavior, […]

ADHD – Only a trending topic or a serious problem for society?

ADHD Problem Society or Bad Parenting

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a well-recognized neurodevelopmental disorder, not just a trend. It’s characterized by symptoms such as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that are more severe, frequent, or debilitating than is typical for a person’s age and development. ADHD is considered a serious concern for several reasons: 1. Impact on Individual Lives: It can significantly […]